Mobile Queueing App in Kenya


Let your customers queue on their smartphone freeing them to run multiple errands at the same period of time.

queue management system in kenya

Queue Management System in kenya with mobile queueing

queuebee queue management system in kenya

Mobile Queue lets customers get a ticket right from their mobile phones and queue even before reaching your business. They get real time queue status and are free to run errands or plan their journey to your branch.

This provides great flexibility and optimally elevates customers' satisfaction and experience

queuebee features in kenya

QueueBee is a cost effective solution for everyone: For Management, For Operator and For Customer.

Our Queue Management System is ideal for following businesses in Kenya:

  • Banks
  • Government Institutions
  • Hospitals
  • Retail
  • Embassies
  • Telcom service centers
  • Saccos
  • Universities & schools
  • Clinics
  • Any other organization which encounters heavy flow of customers.

Our QMS is the ultimate turnkey solution for single to multi-branch business seeking to enhance customer experience and brand.

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Next level queue management solution

1. Download & Install

mobile queue system in kenya

Donwload the QueueBee Mobile Apps at Google Play or App Store

2. Register & Login

mobile queue system in kenya

Login to the system, or register a new account for first time user.

3. Scan QR or NFC

mobile queue system in kenya

Scan QR Code or NFC from service provider.

4. Choose Service

mobile queue system in kenya

Select your preferable service category.

5. Queue Alert

mobile queue system in kenya

Virtual Queue is obtained, and queue information is instantly updated. You are free to move around, the App will inform you when your turn is reached.

6. Satisfaction Rating

mobile queue system in kenya

Put down your feedback or satisfaction level for the service acquired.

Ticketless Queue Go-Green

Mobile Queue eliminates the need for physical ticket. A truely environmental friendly and cost saving solution.

Go-Green solution

queuebee queue management system in kenya
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